Easy ways to get your 5-a-day

August 15, 2015 - 2 min read

Are you struggling to fit in your 5-a-day? Well, we have some easy ways to get in your 5-a-day, from smoothies to soups we have you covered.


It’s an obvious one, but thinking closely about what meals you’re going to consume, makes it easier to plan your 5-a-day. Whether you opt for a handful of strawberries in your morning cereal, a moorish vegetable stir-fry for lunch, or a delicious fruit salad for dessert, planning to incorporate a bit of fruit and veg into every meal is a super easy way to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients.


Do you find yourself picking at junk-food throughout the day? Consider swapping that packet of crisps or naughty chocolate bar for one of your 5-a-day. Whether you enjoy a punnet of blueberries or a few carrot sticks with hummus, there’s so many ways to convert those naughty snacks into some healthy and delicious hunger busters.


Depending on how much fruit and veg you blend up, smoothies can count for a considerable amount of your 5-a-day. To get the most out of your concoction, be sure to use whole fruits and veg rather than purified forms … and remember, with smoothies there can never bee too many ingredients!
For some delicious smoothie recipes, click here!

Double up

For meal times, why not try to double up on your vegetable servings? Usually, 1 serving averages to around half a cup, which is pretty small for foods such as broccoli and potatoes. Doubling to serving to a whole cup will give you more nutrition, as well as filling you up healthily in the process.

Fridge soup

Are you forever wondering what to do with all those old vegetables at the back of the fridge? Whether you’ve got an abundance of potatoes, carrots, pumpkin or broccoli, all this and more can be easily whipped up into something delicious. Simply boil it all off and leave it to simmer until everything is tender.

Along with eating your 5-a-day, it’s also extremely important to drink enough water! Worried you’re not consuming enough liquid? Click here for some common signs of dehydration!

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